Friday, February 5, 2010

Where oh where is Spring!

I see it has been a long time since I've posted anything. I find it really hard to have something interesting to write about, so I don't write anything.

Well this wasn't a good week, Wednesday I had to see my Doctor about my blood work , he put me on a pill for Diabetes...really sucks...I love my sweets! And then I went to work and my boss informed me that as of the 11th I will be laid off...for an unknown amount of time. We haven't seen the ground since December, what am I going to do with all this time and too much cold and snow to do anything outside. It has been below normal temps for the past 2 weeks...we are not used to this cold for so long.

Patiently waiting for Spring..............


  1. Oh Cheryl!! I love my sweets too, and if I don't stop what I'm doing, I could be in the same boat. We both need to take better care of ourselves - we are worth it. Now just keep repeating that over and over, and I will too :) Sorry to hear about your job. I hope things pick up soon. In the meantime, there will be more time for your fur & feathered family. And I know they will love that! Hugs!! -Tammy

  2. Cheryl, hi, you commented on my blog so I'm visiting you. Love your photos, esp. the snowman and "friend". I see from you and Tammy I need to add many more photos -- looks so much better. So much fun meeting other "parents".

  3. Oh Cheryl, I am so sorry about your job.. I will keep you in my prayers :)
    We have had a lot snow this winter, but nothing like you!
    Now start cutting out all those foods that are a no-no, and soon you will not need the meds! I agree with Tammy, we are all Worth it!!
    xo, misha
    p.s. I love your header!!
